Location: Stuttgart
Period: 2012 to 2017
Construction: ARGE: AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH | Baresel GmbH | Walo Bertschinger AG
Category: Civil engineering
Client: DB Netz AG
As part of the Stuttgart 21 project, Feuerbach station was to be rebuilt in ten construction phases. Closure breaks were planned for this, particularly at night and at weekends. During the construction period, the requirement was that two S‑Bahn tracks and two mainline tracks were always available for rail operations. All work was carried out in connection with track relocations at Stuttgart-Feuerbach station during the construction period.
The structures were built within an excavation pit using back-anchored soldier pile walls. The pedestrian underpass, trough structure, double-track tunnel, open construction method and rescue access road were founded on shallow foundations with ground improvement using ballast columns. The WIB bridge EÜ Borsigstraße was founded in sections on bored pile slab foundations.
The construction of an auxiliary bridge in solid construction including a construction road was necessary for the logistics connection to the Prague intermediate attack. The load-bearing system is a frame with a clear width of approx. 19 m. Technical data
Main services:
Structures and structural elements in open construction
Passenger underpass Stg-Feuerbach
Trough structure
Double-track tunnel in open construction
Rescue access
Retaining wall I Siemensstraße
Renovation of retaining wall II Siemensstraße
Reinforcement of the previous S‑Bahn tunnel New platform access from the previous tunnel Demolition worktunnel
New platform access from previous tunnel
Demolition work
Demolition of existing pedestrian underpass
Borsigstraße bridge