You are currently viewing STUTTGART 21


Loca­tion: Stutt­gart
Period: 2012 to 2017
Con­s­truc­tion: ARGE: AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH | Bare­sel GmbH | Walo Bert­schin­ger AG
Cate­gory: Civil engi­nee­ring
Cli­ent: DB Netz AG

As part of the Stutt­gart 21 pro­ject, Feu­er­bach sta­tion was to be rebuilt in ten con­s­truc­tion pha­ses. Clo­sure breaks were plan­ned for this, par­ti­cu­larly at night and at weekends. During the con­s­truc­tion period, the requi­re­ment was that two S‑Bahn tracks and two main­line tracks were always available for rail ope­ra­ti­ons. All work was car­ried out in con­nec­tion with track relo­ca­ti­ons at Stutt­gart-Feu­er­bach sta­tion during the con­s­truc­tion period. 

The struc­tures were built within an excava­tion pit using back-ancho­red sol­dier pile walls. The pede­strian under­pass, trough struc­ture, dou­ble-track tun­nel, open con­s­truc­tion method and res­cue access road were foun­ded on shal­low foun­da­ti­ons with ground impro­ve­ment using bal­last columns. The WIB bridge EÜ Borsig­straße was foun­ded in sec­tions on bored pile slab foundations. 

The con­s­truc­tion of an auxi­liary bridge in solid con­s­truc­tion inclu­ding a con­s­truc­tion road was neces­sary for the logi­stics con­nec­tion to the Pra­gue inter­me­diate attack. The load-bea­ring sys­tem is a frame with a clear width of approx. 19 m. Tech­ni­cal data 

Main ser­vices:
Struc­tures and struc­tu­ral ele­ments in open con­s­truc­tion
Pas­sen­ger under­pass Stg-Feu­er­bach
Trough struc­ture
Dou­ble-track tun­nel in open con­s­truc­tion
Res­cue access
Retai­ning wall I Sie­mens­straße
Reno­va­tion of retai­ning wall II Sie­mens­straße
Rein­force­ment of the pre­vious S‑Bahn tun­nel New plat­form access from the pre­vious tun­nel Demo­li­tion work­tun­nel
New plat­form access from pre­vious tun­nel
Demo­li­tion work
Demo­li­tion of exis­ting pede­strian under­pass
Borsig­straße bridge