You are currently viewing NEW PROJECT: DESY HAMBURG


In Ham­burg-Bah­ren­feld, the Ger­man Elec­tron Syn­chro­tron (DESY) is buil­ding a new Inte­gra­ted Tech­no­logy and Start-up Cen­ter (ITGZ 1), which AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH I Hoch­bau suc­cessfully acquired. 

DESY is a rese­arch cen­ter of the Heim­holz-Gesell­schaft. Basic rese­arch is car­ried out here. In total, the DESY site in Ham­burg com­pri­ses more than 100 buil­dings of all kinds, office and labo­ra­tory buil­dings, expe­ri­men­tal and sto­rage halls, work­shops, etc. The first buil­dings were con­s­truc­ted at the begin­ning of the 1960s and the site has been con­ti­nuously expanded. 

The ITGZ I, with a gross floor area of approx. 11,300 m² and a net floor area of approx. 9,800 m², is plan­ned with a 3‑storey base zone with a height of approx. 14.10 m above ground and a 6‑storey tower area with a height of approx. 32.70 m. There will be a cen­tral core zone with a large art­rium and an inner cour­ty­ard, from which the cen­tral mee­ting and com­mu­ni­ca­tion areas will lead off. Office and labo­ra­tory areas are arran­ged in a ring around this core zone. 

Con­s­truc­tion star­ted in Novem­ber. The ground-brea­king cerem­ony took place on 20.11.2024. The con­s­truc­tion work was ope­ned by Mela­nie Leon­hard (SPD), Hamburg’s Sena­tor for Eco­no­mic Affairs, among others. 

The shell of the buil­ding is expec­ted to be com­ple­ted in 10/2025. The total con­s­truc­tion time is around 3 years.
The pro­ject is being mana­ged from the Ber­lin office.