You are currently viewing A26 PORT RAILWAY TUNNEL


Loca­tion: Stade-Ham­burg
Period: 2021 to 2026
Cli­ent: DEGES
Imple­men­ta­tion plan­ning: Ram­boll Deutsch­land GmbH
Other: Open con­s­truc­tion method

For the new con­s­truc­tion of the A26 (Stade — Ham­burg), con­s­truc­tion sec­tion 4 (Hamburg/Lower Sax­ony state bor­der to A7) will con­nect the A26 to the A7 and upgrade the sec­tions of the A7 bor­de­ring the new con­nec­tion to the south and north bet­ween the HH-Heim­feld junc­tion and Moor­burg near the Alte Süd­er­elbe in the north.

At km 0+590 (A26), the plan­ned route of the A26 cros­ses the exis­ting two exit tracks of the Ham­burg port rail­road (Haus­bruch — Wal­ters­hof line). A crossing struc­ture must be built to pass under these tracks of the Ham­burg port railroad. 

Due to the local soil and water con­di­ti­ons, a trough/tunnel struc­ture (har­bor rail­way tun­nel) is to be con­s­truc­ted as a two-cell frame made of water-imper­meable con­crete accor­ding to the “white tank” principle.

The exis­ting sub­soil con­sis­ting of peat and clay is to be excava­ted using the dred­ging method. A ver­ti­cally ancho­red under­wa­ter con­crete base is to be con­s­truc­ted to drain the excava­tion pit. The late­ral con­s­truc­tion pit enclo­sure is rea­li­zed with sheet pile walls and in the area of the exis­ting port rail­way embank­ment with bored pile walls. The excava­tion pit and thus the con­s­truc­tion of the tun­nel struc­ture will be divi­ded into two con­s­truc­tion pha­ses (wes­tern and eas­tern con­s­truc­tion phase) due to the main­ten­ance of the port rail­road ope­ra­ti­ons during the con­s­truc­tion period. 

The port rail­way tun­nel is to be ope­ra­ted with 2 main lanes in each direc­tion and 2 entry lanes in the direc­tion of Stade and 1 exit lane in the direc­tion of Still­horn / Hamburg.

The tun­nel is divi­ded into a 70m long east trough, a 200m long tun­nel struc­ture and a west por­tal area.

An ope­ra­ti­ons buil­ding, a per­fo­ra­ted water sto­rage tank, an emer­gency sto­rage tank, an RW pump shaft and a sludge trap are to be con­s­truc­ted at the east por­tal. An extin­gu­is­hing water sto­rage tank is to be con­s­truc­ted on the south side at the west portal. 

Four tracks of the port rail­road (two con­ti­nuous main tracks and two exten­sion tracks) are to be rou­ted over the future A26 via the port rail­road tunnel.

In addi­tion, the fol­lo­wing faci­li­ties are to be built or the pre­re­qui­si­tes crea­ted in the course of the port rail­way tun­nel:
- plan­ned track field exten­sion (faci­lity may be rea­li­zed at a later date by the HPA)
- a green bridge, con­sis­ting of: a bat flight route, a ser­vice road (green­way), a green link to con­nect green cor­ri­dors and a land­scape struc­ture south of the green bridge.