Client: Landesbetrieb Mobilität Rheinland-Pfalz
Project author: EDR GmbH
Construction: ARGE Tunnel Diez B417
Partner: Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH | AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Tech. Management: AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Commercial management: Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH
Object: B417 Diez bypass
Period: 2018 to 2021
In order to relieve the federal road B 417 in the immediate urban area around the market square of the historic old town of Diez, the federal road will be laid underground over a length of 335 meters as part of the ’small tunnel solution Diez’ tunnel construction project. The two-lane road tunnel will be built over 200 meters using the cut-and-cover method and 135 meters using the classic mining method. In addition to the inner city location, the extraordinary complexity of the project is made clear by the fact that the existing railroad line 3710 Gießen — Koblenz will be passed under twice in the cut-and-cover section and the parallel mining excavation next to the existing 19th century railroad line tunnel.
The mined section of the tunnel in Diez is being built using the conventional shotcrete construction method, also known as the “New Austrian Tunnel Construction Method”. In addition to the inner-city location of the tunnel construction project, which requires an extreme degree of safety and caution during the blasting and excavation work, the short distance of the mined tunnel section to the existing DB tunnel of at least 6 meters means that a high level of coordination and planning effort is to be expected during construction. With regard to this neighboring tunnel and the urban development, Alfred Kunz limited possible blasting vibrations in the high-pressure-resistant keratophyre rock to be loosened to a minimum by reducing the length and adjusting the blasting agent. For this purpose, a comprehensive measuring system for vibration, noise and deformation measurements was installed, which ensured an evaluation and adjustment of the excavation work after each blast with regard to rock protection. In coordination with Deutsche Bahn, blasting was only carried out during short train breaks on the adjacent railroad line in order to ensure the greatest possible safety for rail passengers on the Giessen — Koblenz line.
The tight space conditions on the construction site are characteristic of the cut-and-cover method. The loosening of the rock, initially by means of excavator operations, followed by occasional loose blasting, requires good coordination with the excavation support work. The excavation support consisting of back-anchored bored piles and soldier pile walls places the highest demands on execution and quality due to the immediate proximity of neighboring buildings. In order to maintain railroad operations during the construction period, the necessary crossings of the railroad line in the open construction area are crossed using two pairs of auxiliary bridges.
Two twin girder auxiliary bridges with a clear width of 24 m and 31 m respectively are being used. In the western excavation pit area, the twin girder auxiliary bridge is founded on three reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 120 cm for each track and will remain in position until the tunnel structure is completed. The eastern railroad crossing has a total clear width of approx. 45 m and will be constructed in two stages due to the large clear width of the acute-angled intersecting tracks. First, the auxiliary bridge with a span width of 31 m will be supported on a load-bearing rock mass in the excavation pit in a stop gap. The rock mass lying in the tunnel route only serves as a temporary support during construction. In order to remove it, the temporary bridge will be detached from this after completion of the first ceiling sections under the bridge and moved onto the completed tunnel block. The rock mass is then removed and the remaining tunnel blocks are erected. Once the entire tunnel structure has been completed, the excavation pit can be backfilled and the two twin girder temporary bridges can be dismantled.
Structural function: Two-lane road tunnel
Tunnel length: 335 m
Excavated volume: 65,000 m³
Construction method: Shotcrete construction method (excavator/blast driving)
Jacking protection: shotcrete, support arches, anchors, spiles, spike umbrella
Special features: The particular challenges of the overall project are made up of various influencing factors. In addition to the generally cramped inner-city space conditions and the complex construction processes, the high immission requirements in terms of noise, dust and vibrations must also be mentioned.