You are currently viewing EXTENSION OF THE U5


Loca­tion: Munich
Period: 2022 to 2028
Cli­ent: City of Munich
Con­s­truc­tion: ARGE U5 Lot 1 — AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH | Ber­ger Bau | Ber­ger Grund­bau­tech­nik
Imple­men­ta­tion plan­ning:
EDR GmbH (as sub­con­trac­tor of ARGE U5 Lot 1)
Other: Dia­phragm wall/cover con­s­truc­tion method

To improve the attrac­ti­ve­ness of public trans­port, the state capi­tal of Munich is exten­ding the U5 sub­way line from the exis­ting ter­mi­nus at Lai­mer Platz to Pasing sta­tion. In Decem­ber 2021, BIEGE AUGUST REINERS / Ber­ger Bau / Ber­ger Grund­bau­tech­nik was com­mis­sio­ned with the shell con­s­truc­tion work for con­s­truc­tion lot 1. 

Lot 1 com­pri­ses the sec­tion from Lai­mer Platz sta­tion to the new Wil­li­bald­straße stop. Lot 1 is loca­ted in the Laim & Pasing dis­tricts and runs par­al­lel to Gott­hard­straße in an east-west direc­tion through an area with resi­den­tial buildings 

Over a length of approx. 1000 m, the future route will be con­s­truc­ted using the dia­phragm wall/cover method. In addi­tion to the dou­ble-track line tun­nel, a three-track stab­ling faci­lity and the Wil­li­bald­straße sta­tion will also be accom­mo­da­ted within the sin­gle-cell box cross-sec­tion. The span of the 2.20 m thick struc­ture cover thus varies bet­ween 16.00 & 23.00 m. In the area of the Wil­li­bald­straße sta­tion, mez­za­nine flo­ors and ser­vice rooms are to be built under­neath the cover. The widening area to the west of Wil­li­bald­straße sta­tion will be con­s­truc­ted using the cut-and-cover method. 

The entire route runs below the ground­wa­ter level. In addi­tion to the com­plex ground­wa­ter manage­ment during con­s­truc­tion, a total of 9 ground­wa­ter cul­verts must be built for the final state. These will be con­s­truc­ted using bored piles adja­cent to the dia­phragm wall trough. 

Due to the inner-city loca­tion and the tight local con­di­ti­ons asso­cia­ted with this, prov. sewers and branch lines have to be built and relo­ca­ted again and again par­al­lel to the shell con­s­truc­tion work. 

In order to pro­tect the exis­ting buil­dings from severe defor­ma­tion and asso­cia­ted damage, the exis­ting foun­da­ti­ons have to be under­pin­ned over a length of approx. 400 m using jet grouting.

Total con­s­truc­tion field
Con­s­truc­tion phase West 1
Con­s­truc­tion phase West 2