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Loca­tion: Bre­men
Period: 2021 to 2023
Cate­gory: New build
Cli­ent: HTI Han­sa­kon­tor GmbH, Bremen

May 2021 saw the start of con­s­truc­tion for the Han­sa­kon­tor buil­ding pro­ject, which AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH | Hoch­bau is rea­li­zing in a joint ven­ture with Gott­fried Stehnke Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH & Co.

A new office and com­mer­cial buil­ding is plan­ned for the cor­ner of Han­sa­kon­tor and Zoll­pfand in Bre­men’s Über­see­stadt dis­trict. The new buil­ding com­pri­ses a four or six-storey buil­ding with an under­ground par­king garage. It enc­lo­ses an inner cour­ty­ard, which has a striking six-storey high point on one side and a four-storey U‑shaped struc­ture on the other to match the height of the sur­roun­ding area. A striking façade made of pre­fa­bri­ca­ted brick ele­ments will give the buil­ding an unmist­aka­ble cha­rac­ter. Com­ple­tion is plan­ned for 2024.