You are currently viewing HANSEHOF RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX
Visualisierung: WVG mbH Greifswald & PGS Greifswald mbH


Loca­tion: Greifs­wald
Period: 2018 to 2019
Cate­gory: Shell con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: Woh­nungs­bau- und Ver­wal­tungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH Greifswald

The ser­vices for this con­s­truc­tion pro­ject relate to the con­s­truc­tion of 10 buil­dings with a total of 96 apart­ments. The new Han­se­Hof con­s­truc­tion pro­ject is being built in the for­mer Quar­tier 11 of Greifs­wal­d’s city cen­ter, directly on the Ryck River with the museum har­bor loca­ted there. The apart­ments are indi­vi­du­ally desi­gned and have eit­her ter­races, bal­co­nies or roof ter­races. The pro­perty will have an under­ground garage with 105 par­king spaces. The cli­ent and deve­lo­per is Woh­nungs­bau- und Ver­wal­tungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH Greifswald. 

In the 1st con­s­truc­tion phase, the garage floor was built in rein­forced con­crete on a deep foun­da­tion. The inter­sec­tion point for the 2nd con­s­truc­tion phase is the rein­forced con­crete cei­ling of the garage floor, on which the buil­dings are erected. 

In 2017, we were com­mis­sio­ned by Woh­nungs­bau- und Ver­wal­tungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH Greifs­wald with the shell con­s­truc­tion work for the garage floor. We will now also carry out the struc­tu­ral work for the con­s­truc­tion of the 10 resi­den­tial buil­dings in 2018 to 2019. 

Main quan­ti­ties:

  • Semi-finis­hed parts — 6,800 m² walls, 10,450 m² ceilings
  • 6,000 m² formwork
  • 8,300 m³ concrete
  • 950 t reinforcement