You are currently viewing LOBDEBURG TUNNEL


Cli­ent: Die Auto­bahn GmbH des Bun­des / Nie­der­las­sung Ost
Object type: Motor­way tun­nel
Mate­rial: Shaft covers made of stain­less steel
Exe­cu­tion: AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH

Repla­ce­ment of man­hole covers in the side­walk area, rene­wal of the side­walk, crea­tion of block num­be­ring and par­tial rene­wal of the active gui­dance sys­tem of the Lob­de­burg tunnel 

The Lob­de­burg Tun­nel is part of the A4 high­way and is loca­ted south of Jena bet­ween the Jena-Gösch­witz junc­tion in the west and Jena-Zen­trum junc­tion in the east. The 600m long tubes of the Lob­de­burg Tun­nel were com­ple­ted in 2007 / 2008. The Lob­de­burg Tun­nel was built using the cut-and-cover method. The cast iron instal­la­tion parts could no lon­ger be ope­ned for clea­ning and main­ten­ance work and were repla­ced by stain­less steel instal­la­tion parts. As part of the con­s­truc­tion work, the rein­forced con­crete walk­way of the north tube was remo­ved and repla­ced with unrein­forced con­crete. The active gui­dance sys­tem was rene­wed in both tubes in the area of the reno­va­tion mea­su­res. Both tubes were given a block num­be­ring as OS‑C coa­ting. The new man­hole covers were manu­fac­tu­red by ACO Pas­sa­vant Detego GmbH. The man­hole covers for the exis­ting baffle shafts of the slot­ted chan­nel requi­red the design and manu­fac­ture of a spe­cial con­s­truc­tion for this pro­ject. The work was car­ried out wit­hout inter­rupt­ing traffic. 

The man­hole struc­tures in the side­walk had to be par­ti­ally repla­ced with pre­cast con­crete ele­ments. The
man­hole covers were then instal­led with the newly con­s­truc­ted side­walk made of unrein­forced con­crete. In the area of the baffle shafts, the old shaft covers were remo­ved and the shaft struc­ture was remo­ved to the new dimen­si­ons. The new man­hole covers were then instal­led with grou­ted con­crete