You are currently viewing NEW BUILDING INVALIDENSTRASSE 5


Loca­tion: Ber­lin
Period: 2020 to 2024
Cate­gory: New build | turn­key con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: Inva­li­den­straße 5 GRAFT Design­haus GmbH Krü­cke­berg, Putz, Wil­lern­eit GbR Ber­lin
Area: 1,370 m²

AUGUST REINERS was awarded the con­tract for the turn­key con­s­truc­tion of a resi­den­tial and com­mer­cial buil­ding with under­ground par­king at Inva­li­den­straße 5 in 10115 Ber­lin-Mitte by the buil­ding owners’ asso­cia­tion — Inva­li­den­straße 5 GRAFT Design­haus GmbH, Krü­cke­berg, Putz, Wil­le­meit GbR. The pro­perty is loca­ted directly at the inter­sec­tion of Inva­li­den­straße and Ackerstraße. 

A resi­den­tial and com­mer­cial buil­ding with under­ground par­king, con­sis­ting of a first floor, 5 full storeys, a stag­ge­red storey and a base­ment, is to be built on the approx. 1,370 m² site. The lower flo­ors of the buil­ding will be the new Ber­lin head­quar­ters of GRAFT Gesell­schaft von Archi­tek­ten mbH with around 70 employees. On the first floor, we are buil­ding com­mer­cial units that are acces­si­ble from both Inva­li­den­strasse and the adja­cent Ackerstrasse. 

We are con­s­truc­ting a shal­low foun­da­tion for the buil­ding, with the base­ment desi­gned as a white tank. The load-bea­ring struc­ture is also plan­ned with a mono­li­thic rein­forced con­crete con­s­truc­tion and a mul­lion-tran­som-alu­mi­num-glass con­s­truc­tion is used for the façade. The high trans­pa­rency of the outer shell also allows the buil­ding to be natu­rally lit with deep floor plans, thus making a sus­tainable con­tri­bu­tion to the energy balance. The stair­case is a purely rein­forced con­crete con­s­truc­tion that runs from the base­ment through all flo­ors and up to the top floor. 

The GRAFT open-plan office offers access to the out­doors on all levels. Addi­tio­nal inter­nal stair­ca­ses and com­mu­ni­ca­tion areas also merge the three office levels into a sin­gle unit with maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­lity.
The inte­rior fit-out of the offices and apart­ments is tail­o­red to the design of the buil­ding. All apart­ments also have an exit to the out­side and the apart­ment par­ti­tion walls are solid. Expo­sed screed sur­faces, floa­ting hea­ted screeds and 2‑layer par­quet flo­o­ring are plan­ned in the rooms. Wall and floor tiles will be sel­ec­ted accor­ding to a design con­cept. We are also inten­si­vely gree­ning the cei­ling above the under­ground garage, as well as the roof above the top floor, which we are desig­ning as a flat roof con­s­truc­tion with exten­sive greening.