You are currently viewing NEW COFFEE QUARTER


Cli­ent: DETLEF HEGEMANN Immo­bi­lien Manage­ment GmbH
Con­s­truc­tion: AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH
Use: con­do­mi­ni­ums
Plot: approx. 12,000 m²
Usable space: approx. 2,826 m² (BF I, floor area) | approx. 6,000 m² (BF II, floor area)
Loca­tion: Bre­men
Period: 2020 to 2024

The “NEUES KAFFEEQUARTIER” pro­ject is divi­ded into three con­s­truc­tion sites, each with two to three buil­dings on a shared under­ground car park.
Buil­dings C and H are being built in the first con­s­truc­tion phase. Here, 27 resi­den­tial units with living spaces bet­ween approx. 60 m² and approx. 160 m² are being built. Each of them is equip­ped with the latest amen­i­ties and has its own under­ground par­king space.
The second con­s­truc­tion phase of the “NEUES KAFFEEQUARTIER” pro­ject com­pri­ses buil­dings D, E and I. The 63 resi­den­tial units with apart­ments and mai­so­nettes have floor areas of bet­ween 60 and 175 m². An under­ground car park is also plan­ned under the buil­dings.
What all mai­so­nette apart­ments on the ground and second flo­ors have in com­mon is that they have their own front door, giving them their own address qua­lity, simi­lar to the clas­sic Alt­bre­mer house. The mai­so­nettes on the 2nd and 3rd flo­ors, like the other apart­ments, are easily acces­si­ble by ele­va­tor and bene­fit from light-floo­ded rooms and spa­cious roof ter­races or balconies. 

You are also wel­come to visit our web­site for fur­ther information.