You are currently viewing PASSENGER SHIP HEIDELBERG


Total length: 14.5 m
Total width: 4.9 m
Total weight: 26.5 t

The Hei­del­berg pas­sen­ger ship was equip­ped with a die­sel engine. We dis­mant­led the old engine at our shi­py­ard in Span­dau and repla­ced it with an elec­tric motor. This enab­led us to make a con­tri­bu­tion to envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion with regard to the emis­sion-free ope­ra­tion of pas­sen­ger ships on Berlin’s waterways. 

1 drive 50 kW @ 1,200 rpm
for an exis­ting shaft sys­tem
incl. motor con­trol and water coo­ling
120 kWh: NMC lithium-ion bat­tery (3 x 40 kWh)
Stan­dard, uncoo­led
Battery/onboard power sup­ply:
12 volt bat­te­ries will be retai­ned
12 volt char­ger must be pro­vi­ded
Char­ging tech­no­logy:
3 pie­ces 3.3 kW AC stan­dard char­ger
for 230/400 volt con­nec­tion
6 kW Inver­ter 230 volt, sin­gle-phase
Water-coo­led ver­sion
Dis­play, con­trol lever, con­nec­tion cables
The ope­ra­tor is a com­plete sys­tem inclu­ding cables, con­nec­tion work and commissioning