You are currently viewing PROJECTS 2020


Cli­entExe­cu­tion periodCon­s­truc­tion projectTree quan­tity
Klai­peda State Sea­port, Lithuania2020Dred­ging work in Klai­peda har­bor, Lithuania20.000 m³
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland2020Beach nou­rish­ment Dziwnow160.000 m³
Water­ways and Ship­ping Office Weser-Jade-North Sea, Wilhelmshaven03/20 — 12/20Dred­ging work in the new Wil­helms­ha­ven outer harbor1,000,000 m³
Salac­griva Port Aut­ho­rity, Salac­griva, Latvia05/20 — 06/20Main­ten­ance dred­ging Salacgriva80.000 m³
Dred­ging Inter­na­tio­nal NV, Zwi­jn­d­recht, Belgium05/20 — 07/20Char­ter TSHD Elbe, GermanyChar­ter
Tar­ra­gona Port Aut­ho­rity, Spain06/20 — 12/20Barge char­ter in the port of Tar­ra­gona, SpainChar­ter
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland09/20 — 10/20Dred­ging works Step­nica, Poland512 m³
Bal­tic Water­ways and Ship­ping Office, Stralsund11/20 — 06/21Main­ten­ance dred­ging Inne­rer See­ka­nal Rostock181.000 m³