You are currently viewing PROJECTS 2021


Cli­entExe­cu­tion periodCon­s­truc­tion projectTree quan­tity
Szc­ze­cin Water Aut­ho­rity, Szc­ze­cin, Poland2021Dred­ging Klucz-Ostowo, Poland43.000 m³
Boska­lis Off­shore Sub­ops, Wilhelmshaven01/21 — 07/21Char­ter Schu­ten­spü­ler, Ost­wind Peene, GermanyChar­ter
PRCiP, Gdansk, Poland01/21 — 06/21Deepe­ning of the basin in the outer har­bor, LNG ter­mi­nal, Swi­nou­j­scie, Poland400.000 m³
DEME Off­shore, Breda, Netherlands03/21 — 05/21Barge char­ter Hvide Sande, DenmarkChar­ter
WSA Weser-Jade-North Sea, Bremen03/21 — 12/21Dred­ging work in the new Wil­helms­ha­ven outer har­bor 2021 (ARGE)700.000 m³
Mari­time Office Gdy­nia, Poland06/21 — 06/23Beach nou­rish­ment Rowy/Ustka, Pol­and (ARGE)460.000 m³
Weser-Jade-North Sea Water­ways and Ship­ping Office, Bremen06/21 — 08/22Bank flus­hing, main­ten­ance of Brake navi­ga­tion chan­nel near Bremen321.000 m³
Klai­peda State Sea­port Aut­ho­rity, Lithuania 2021Main­ten­ance dred­ging in the port of Klaipeda24.000 m³
Feh­marn­belt Con­trac­tors, Copen­ha­gen, DK05/21 — 07/22Barge char­ter Feh­marn Tun­nel, Rödby, DenmarkChar­ter
City of Papenburg09/21Dred­ging work in the port of Papenburg60.000 m³
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland09/21 — 11/21Dred­ging of navi­ga­tion chan­nel Dar­lowo, Poland20.000 m³
Port of Lie­paja, Latvia09/21 — 09/22Main­ten­ance dred­ging Liepajaup to 450,000 m³
Dred­ging Inter­na­tio­nal Poland10/21 — 11/21Char­ter TSHD fair­way Szc­ze­cin, PolandChar­ter
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Pol­and / Van den Herik, NL12/21Dred­ging work in the port of Trze­biez, Poland35.000 m³
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland12/21Beach nou­rish­ment Kol­brzeg and Ustro­nie, Poland200.000 m³