You are currently viewing PROJECTS 2022


Buil­ding ownerYear of constructionCon­s­truc­tion projectTree quan­tity
War­ren­point Har­bour Aut­ho­rity, N. Ireland01/22 — 02/22Main­ten­ance dred­ging War­ren­point harbor90.000 m³
Ems-North Sea Water­ways and Ship­ping Office12/21 — 03/23Dred­ging works Ems/Leda 2022–2023 (ARGE)1.630.000 m³
Free­port of Vents­pils Aut­ho­rity, Latvia10/21 — 10/23Emer­gency dred­ging Vents­pils, Latvia100–600.000 m³
Ems-North Sea Water­ways and Ship­ping Office01/22 — 08/22Con­s­truc­tion of the infra­struc­ture flus­hing fields Wybel­su­mer Pol­der / pipeline4.020 m
Weser-Jade-North Sea Water­ways and Ship­ping Office03/22 — 12/22Dred­ging work in the new Wil­helms­ha­ven 2022 outer harbor700.000 m³
Ems-North Sea Water­ways and Ship­ping Office04/22 — 05/22Dred­ging work in the Busetief25.000 m³
Mari­time Office Gyd­nia, Poland06/22 — 12/22Char­ter Roland IV, Vis­tula Lagoon, PolandChar­ter
Mari­time Office Gyd­nia, Poland10/22 — 02/23Char­ter Darss, Gyd­nia, PolandChar­ter
Mari­time Office Gyd­nia, Poland08/22 — 03/23Char­ter Zingst, Gyd­nia, PolandChar­ter
PRCiP, Gdansk, Pol­and (Cli­ent Spolka Azoty Che­miczne “Police” S.A.)12/2022Dred­ging work Port of Police, Poland30.000 m³