You are currently viewing QUADRATUM POTSDAM


Cli­ent: DETLEF HEGEMANN Immo­bi­lien Manage­ment GmbH
Con­s­truc­tion: AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH
Use: Com­mer­cial and rese­arch cen­ter with a mix of uses
Plot: approx. 15,300 m²
Usable space: approx. 20,000 m²
Loca­tion: Ber­lin Pots­dam
Period: 2021 to 2025

The QUADRATUM POTSDAM stands for an inno­va­tive place where peo­ple, rese­arch, tech­no­logy and busi­ness are net­worked. New living and working envi­ron­ments are being developed. 

Ever­y­thing here is carefully con­side­red to keep body, mind and soul in dyna­mic balance. The place offers working peo­ple the ideal con­di­ti­ons to find their own inner cen­ter. A micro­c­osm of its own is created. 

The site will be divi­ded into 4 buil­ding com­ple­xes. Start­ing with buil­dings A and B with con­fe­rence, labo­ra­tory and office uses, an urban ensem­ble is to be crea­ted that will com­ple­ment the sci­ence cam­pus with local amen­i­ties and ser­vices. Mee­ting spaces and areas for an active exch­ange bet­ween stu­dents, employees and the peo­ple of Golm them­sel­ves will be crea­ted here.
Smal­ler stores for local sup­plies, a sports stu­dio and co-working spaces are to be offe­red. The new square situa­tion opens up the area and makes it easy to access the buildings. 

The buil­dings serve as a base for rese­arch, tech­no­logy and com­mer­cial com­pa­nies.
Com­mer­cial space is crea­ted here in close con­sul­ta­tion with the future users. The areas can com­prise bet­ween 350 and 6,000 m² of usable space and can be fle­xi­bly designed. 

Inte­res­ted? Ideas? Wis­hes?
If you would like to become part of QUADRATUM POTSDAM and the “Neue Gol­mer Mitte”, please get in touch with us!
T+49 30 35187–187 |

You are also wel­come to visit our web­site for fur­ther information.

Visua­liza­ti­ons: RKW+ Archi­tec­ture | formtool