Research and development project: Development of peat-free growing media with a balanced nutrient supply and regulated water balance on the basis of biogenic residues and regional, natural clays — suitable processing methods and use of the control functions of the clay aggregate (KuReTo)
Planned period: 2020 to 2024
For peat substitutes, biogenic residues from other processes are often suitable for further value creation. However, their chemical and physical properties do not readily permit their use in growing media. In order to solve these quality problems, questions arise on the one hand about their preparation with suitable strategies for pre-treatment and mixing, and on the other hand about suitable aggregates that can solve these problems. Clays have established themselves as an additive to peat-based substrates. They achieve a balanced nutrient supply, improved rewettability and an adequate supply of trace elements. Contained minerals such as iron sulphide or volcanic glasses can lower the pH to an optimum range for plants. They also require a continuous supply of plant-available Si.
The project aims to put the preparation of various peat substitutes, the selection of clays and their mixtures on a broader, scientifically and horticulturally sound basis. In cooperation with one partner each from the recycling industry, the special clay industry and soil science research, suitable processes are to be developed for the optimal preparation of peat substitutes for later use in the substrate, including storage, crushing, drying and mixing technology. Mineralogical, chemical and physical parameters for the selection and processing of clay as an additive are to be developed. High-quality horticultural substrates are to be produced from the available biogenic residues such as compost, fermentation residues, champost and horse manure through targeted processing and a coordinated clay additive. Our aim is to produce peat-free substrates from peat substitutes that meet the quality standards of the RAL Quality Association for Substrates and are the first substrates to be awarded EU Ecolabel certification.