Client: DB Netz AG
Project author: IL — Ingenieurbüro Laabmayr und Partner ZT GmbH
Construction: ARGE Erneuerung Kuckuckslay Tunnel
Partner: PORR GmbH & Co. KGaA | AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Tech. Management: PORR GmbH & Co KGaA
Commercial management: AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Project: Renewal of Kuckuckslaytunnel railroad line 2631 Kalscheueren — Ehrang | Trier | Rhineland-Palatinate
Period: 2019 to 2022
More space in the tunnel — that’s what Deutsche Bahn AG and the miners from Alfred Kunz are hoping for during the tunnel widening work on the Kuckuckslay Tunnel in the Kyll Valley on the 2631 Kalscheueren — Ehrang railroad line near Trier. Alfred Kunz Untertagebau and its partner are preparing the double-track, 450-metre-long Kuckuckslay railroad tunnel, which dates back to 1871, for the expansion of the railroad line to the modern track spacing of 4.00 m by widening the old tunnel structure from the imperial era.
In order to maintain rail operations, the tunnel widening work is being carried out with the help of a tunnel widening portal as well as advance protective enclosures with the possibility of passing through in single-track rail operation. This tunnel-in-tunnel construction method involves removing the old tunnel masonry under a rolling wheel outside the protective enclosure using a chisel and then removing the ‘fresh’ sandstone using blasting. For this work, the tunnel extension portal was equipped with two hydraulic demolition hammers and two drilling flaps. A steel armor reinforcement in the blasting area provided optimum protection for track systems and rail operations during both mechanical chiseling and blasting. The different excavation methods, mechanical and explosion-based, are necessary to ensure the highest possible level of safety for railroad operations and employees as well as an environmentally friendly separation of the construction materials old masonry and sandstone.
In addition to the cramped conditions close to the track in the space between the field and the protective enclosure, the handling of the tar-containing old sealing and backpacking of the existing tunnel posed a challenge. In order to prevent the toxic demolition waste from being carried over from the old masonry and to ensure the highest possible level of environmental protection in the Kyll Valley water protection area, an interim management system was installed to separate the dirty “black” and clean “white” areas during the tunnel work. Special machinery from the mining industry, such as a loader and a loading machine with a loading chute and loading bucket, complemented the mechanical excavation, blasting and securing work, which was carried out directly alongside the track operation and was gentle on the rock. The newly installed tunnel inner shell after excavation of the sandstone rock is designed as a water-impermeable reinforced concrete construction adapted to the rock pressure.
Due to the weathering zones in the portal areas, which had already been subjected to displacement pressures and stresses from the construction of the existing tunnel in 1871, the two portal structures were provided with portal covers. While the north portal cover was founded on micropiles, the south was founded on inclined tangential bored piles. Furthermore, an old existing retaining wall in the valley slope area of the tunnel apron that was in need of renovation was replaced. For this purpose, a tangential bored pile wall with a head beam was constructed with a setback and successively anchored back during the demolition work on the old existing wall.
The great challenge of this project is made up of numerous influencing factors. In addition to the extremely cramped conditions during the excavation work, the need to maintain rail operations led to considerable time, space and logistical restrictions. Together with the complex and sensitive handling of the demolition material ‘old tunnel structure’ as hazardous waste, the renovation of the Kuckuckslaytunnel required an extremely high level of conceptual construction skills. On completion of the work, the engineers and miners from Alfred Kunz seamlessly built on the achievements of the tunnel’s construction in 1871 and created a contemporary, high-quality and durable tunnel structure.
Structural function: Railway tunnel
Tunnel length: 450 m
Excavation volume: 20,500 m³
Construction method: Tunnel within a tunnel
Tunnel support: Shotcrete, support arches, anchors, spiles, spike umbrella