You are currently viewing RENOVATION OF THE GÖHREN VIADUCT
Göhrener Viadukt


Loca­tion: near Chem­nitz
Period: 2021 to 2022
Cate­gory: Water­pro­ofing work
Water­pro­ofing sys­tem: Sika­dur-Com­bi­flex® TF sys­tem in the joint area

Pro­ject descrip­tion:
AUGUST REINERS was com­mis­sio­ned by Deut­sche Bahn to repair lea­king joints on the Göh­ren Via­duct using the Com­bi­flex mas­king system.

The Göh­ren Via­duct, like the Göltzsch­tal Bridge, is one of the masonry arch bridges from the early days of rail­road con­s­truc­tion in Sax­ony. The via­duct is made of gra­nite and por­phyry, is 380 m long, 68 m high and was com­ple­ted in 1871. The joints bet­ween the indi­vi­dual arches were now dila­pi­da­ted and there was a risk of water pene­t­ra­ting the infil­led arch seg­ments. AUGUST REINERS sea­led 560 m of joints in a short con­s­truc­tion period and while rail traf­fic con­tin­ued. The Sika­dur Com­bi­flex­sys­tem 200/2 from Sika Deutsch­land AG was used here — 560 m exe­cu­ted as an expan­sion joint.