You are currently viewing ROCKWINKEL PARK II


Cli­ent: DETLEF HEGEMANN Immo­bi­lien Manage­ment GmbH
Con­s­truc­tion: Indi­vi­dual con­tract award
Use: Senior citi­zens’ resi­den­tial com­plex | con­do­mi­ni­ums in Bre­men-Ober­neu­land
Plot: approx. 16,000 m²
Usable area: approx. 5,700 m²
Loca­tion: Rock­wink­ler Land­straße 1 | Bre­men-Ober­neu­land
Period: 2017 to 2019

In Ober­neu­land, one of Bremen’s most sought-after dis­tricts, Rock­win­ke­ler Park was com­ple­ted in sum­mer 2019 as a varied resi­den­tial com­plex with high-qua­lity apart­ments and care places sui­ta­ble for senior citizens.

The Rock­win­ke­ler Park senior citi­zens’ resi­dence has been attrac­tively plan­ned in a park-like gar­den com­plex with a total area of
16,000 m². The archi­tec­ture of the Rock­win­ke­ler Park ensem­ble is a har­mo­nious mix of clas­sic and modern, which takes on the cha­rac­ter of the old cour­ty­ard buil­ding and adapts to it. The spa­cious out­door area with its mature trees invi­tes you to take a stroll and linger. 

Four new buil­dings con­tain 19 high-qua­lity con­do­mi­ni­ums with under­ground par­king, two senior citi­zens’ resi­den­tial com­mu­ni­ties and 19 ser­viced apart­ments. The old, for­mer cour­ty­ard buil­ding was com­ple­tely moder­ni­zed and exten­ded by a pres­ti­gious adjoi­ning buil­ding based on the old model. This cour­ty­ard buil­ding now hou­ses a day care cen­ter, the admi­nis­tra­tion and the operator’s out­pa­ti­ent care service. 

The entire com­plex was let to an ope­ra­tor in the care ser­vices sec­tor and sold to owner-occu­p­iers and inves­tors in indi­vi­dual sales.