You are currently viewing SMM MÄRKISCHES MUSEUM


Loca­tion: Ber­lin
Period: 2024 to 2025
Cate­gory: Refur­bish­ment
Cli­ent: State of Ber­lin — Son­der­ver­mö­gen Immo­bi­lien des Lan­des Ber­lin (SILB)
Archi­tect: SSP Rüth­nick Archi­tek­ten GmbH, Berlin

The con­s­truc­tion pro­ject invol­ves the moder­niza­tion and refur­bish­ment of the buil­ding fabric of the Mär­ki­sches Museum in Ber­lin-Mitte. The pro­perty is loca­ted at Am Köll­ni­schen Park 5, 10179 Ber­lin, south of the River Spree and has an area of around 4,000 m². The buil­ding is divi­ded into 5 dif­fe­rent indi­vi­dual struc­tures, which are com­ple­tely dif­fe­rent in height, width and design. It was desi­gned by the archi­tect Lud­wig Hoff­mann as one of the first buil­dings in the world as a city museum. The museum was ope­ned in 1908. 

The Mär­ki­sches Museum has been under­go­ing a com­plete over­haul since 2023. The reope­ning of a new museum and crea­tive quar­ter at Köll­ni­scher Park is plan­ned for 2028. The neigh­bor­ing Mari­ne­haus is also loca­ted here. The reno­va­tion work began in mid-May 2024 and is expec­ted to last until April 2025.