You are currently viewing TUNNEL ALBERBERG


Cli­ent: Deut­sche Ein­heit Fern­stra­ßen­pla­nungs- und ‑bau GmbH (DEGES)
Object: A44 | new sec­tion BA5 | TU Alber­berg | Unhau­sen
Period: 2021 to 2024

The A44 is part of the Ger­man Unity Trans­port Pro­ject No. 15: “Auto­bahn A44 Kas­sel — Eisen­ach and A4 Eisen­ach — Gör­litz” and is inten­ded to close a gap in the fede­ral high­way net­work on the Ruhr area — Kas­sel — Dres­den axis bet­ween the A7 near Kas­sel and the A4 near Wom­men. The com­mis­sio­ned con­s­truc­tion sec­tion BA5 has a total length of approx. 9 km east of the town of Son­tra and con­nects to the A4 at the vil­lage of Wom­men. The con­tract is being exe­cu­ted in a joint ven­ture. The fol­lo­wing struc­tures will be built by AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH: 

- Con­s­truc­tion of the Alber­berg Tun­nel (BW C24/07T), 2 tubes in clo­sed, semi-open and open con­s­truc­tion method
- Con­s­truc­tion of the “retai­ning wall — B 400” struc­ture (BW C24/07.1 STW) at the con­nec­tion to the Alber­berg tun­nel
- Con­s­truc­tion of the struc­ture “Retai­ning wall — along exit ramp RFB Her­le­shau­sen” (BW C24/03.3 STW)
- Con­s­truc­tion of the “Forst­weg under­pass in Ger­bach­s­grund” struc­ture (BW C24/04A)
- Con­s­truc­tion of the “bat pas­sage” struc­ture (BW C24/15A)
- Con­s­truc­tion of the “Blan­ke­bach KVP B 400 under­pass” struc­ture (BW C24/37)
- Con­s­truc­tion of the “retai­ning wall — Leng­forst” struc­ture (BW C24/13 STW)
- Con­s­truc­tion of ope­ra­ti­ons buil­ding, extin­gu­is­hing water basin and pol­lutant reten­tion basin
- Con­s­truc­tion of embank­ment pro­tec­tion for tun­nel pre-cuts, retai­ning wall — B 400 (BW C24/07.1 STW), retai­ning wall — Leng­forst (BW C24/13 STW) and retai­ning wall — along exit ramp RFB Her­le­shau­sen (BW C24/03.3 STW).

Tun­nel length: 1x 508 m (BBW 358 m, HOBW 130 m, OBW 20 m) | 1x 427 m (BBW 300 m, HOBW 107 m, OBW 20 m)
Excava­ted volume: approx. 72,000 m³ BBW | approx. 12,000 m³ HOBW
Cross-sec­tion: approx. 100 m²
Instal­led quan­tity of con­crete: approx. 17,700 m³ tun­nel | approx. 11,600 m³ civil engi­nee­ring
Instal­led quan­tity of steel: approx. 3,200 tons tun­nel | approx. 1,600 tons civil engi­nee­ring
Instal­led quan­tity of shot­crete: approx. 13,600 m³ tun­nel | approx. 2,940 m³ slope stabilization