Client: Thuringian State Office for Building and Transport
Project author: K+S Ingenieur-Consult (implementation planning)
Construction: ARGE B88 Tunnel Rothenstein
Partner: STREICHER Tief- und Ingenieurbau Jena | AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Tech. Management: STREICHER Tief- und Ingenieurbau Jena GmbH & Co. KG
Commercial management: AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Object: New construction of the B88 Rothenstein bypass
Period: 2018 to 2022
The 385 m long Rothenstein Tunnel is part of the new construction of the B88 federal highway south of Jena, which is intended to improve the inadequate infrastructure situation around Rothenstein. The high-capacity federal highway will connect the city of Jena with southern Thuringia and serve as a large-scale link between the A4 and A9 motorways.
The tunnel route of the two-lane road tunnel is led from the existing federal highway 88 in the Saale valley south of Rothenstein at an acute angle into the steep rock and runs uphill to the northern portal on the northern flank of the Rothenstein rock. Under the protection of a pipe umbrella, the tunnelling work begins from the north, descending through the first layers of loess and slope loam and sandstone weathering zones. The main drift section passes through rock layers of the Middle Buntsandstein, which mostly consist of horizontally bedded medium-bedded sandstone with flaky to thin-bedded clay-siltstone layers. The sandstone layers appear in the project area with fluctuating rock strength and a very high sensitivity to water. Fault zones and the fractured rock require adjustments to the cut-off lengths and the respective excavation dimensions during the tunnel work in order to counteract the complex rock structures and changing subsoil conditions. The Rothenstein Tunnel is being built with a double-shell tunnel construction consisting of a temporary load-bearing shotcrete outer shell, which is installed immediately after excavation, and a water-impermeable reinforced concrete inner shell.
The construction sequence envisages interrupting the north drive 75 m before the breakthrough and the future south portal and then driving the last few meters by means of counter-driving. This measure is structurally necessary as the new tunnel route at the south portal emerges at an acute angle from the steep rock face in the Saale valley onto the old B88 federal highway. Due to this sloping, acute-angled course of the tunnel to the rock face, it is necessary to undercut the rock over a length of 50 m and to secure it with the help of rock stabilization measures in the form of pre-stressed grouted anchors before the rock excavation work. This cutting and undercutting of the almost vertical rock formation requires a high degree of rock stabilization and excavation work that is extremely gentle on the rock. The work is monitored by a permanent and automatic measuring system with regard to deformation. The future tunnel portal in semi-open construction will be deeply founded on bored piles on the valley side. All work in the area of the south portal will take place on the old route of the B88 federal road, which is characterized by the direct proximity of the Großheringen-Saalfeld railroad line (less than 10 m as the crow flies) and the resulting cramped construction situation. While the north portal can be built using the classic open construction method in the roadway pre-cut, the construction of the south portal requires complicated construction processes and advance planning in addition to a complex counter-formwork construction.
Structural function: Two-lane road tunnel
Tunnel length: 385 m
Excavation volume: 40,500 m³
Construction method: Shotcrete construction method (excavator/blasting)
Tunnel support: shotcrete, support arches, anchors, spiles, pipe umbrella